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Let God Take Possession Of Your Heart

Some lines from my reading of Ellen White's Letter 16f, 1892 this morning. I know this is strong medicine, but I think we all need it!!!!!
"Earnestness, wholeness of purpose is what God will accept."
"When the Spirit of Christ takes possession of the heart, then there is a missionary for God."

"Sins of a grave character are cherished in our borders, and unless there is an awakening, such as we have not seen for some time, which will convict and convert professed Sabbath keepers, they will die in their sins."

"The cheapness of conversation reveal the measure of the spirituality of members of the church."

"There is a little hope in one direction: Take the young men and women, and place them where they will come as little in contact with our churches as possible, that the low grade of piety which is current in this day shall not leaven their ideas of what it means to be a Christian."

"The Lord alone can by His spirit make the hearts that are as steel, soft and sympathetic and true to the service of Christ."

"There is [a need] of placing self under the control of the Spirit of God, and [of] shunning, as they would a serpent, all facilities and temptations to evil."

"The cross, the cross of Calvary presented again and again and plainly dwelt upon in every discourse, will prove the life-healing balm, will reveal the beauty and excellence of virtue."

"The Lord is waiting to do great things for His people, but they must be pure in heart before they can see God, or know Him as a pure and Holy God."

"[Christ] will create an atmosphere for the soul. He closes the door and brings the soul into seclusion with God, and the needy soul is to forget everyone and everything but God."

"Satan will talk with [you] but speak aloud to God, and He will drive back the hellish shadow of Satan."

"Christ, His love, His forgiveness, His purity, is to be theme upon which we are to dwell."

"Let us turn our eyes from everything that would dishearten or discourage."

"We must follow where He leads the way. We are not to commence to plan for the second step. We are not to say, 'Lord, aftger I take that step, then what shall I do, for I shall meet with difficulties?' But by faith we must take that one step, come what will, and trust in Jesus."

"The reason our ministers are so inefficient is because they go to their work, and come from their labors if they have any success , full of themselves. ... With any workers, they are too strong, too full of self. The Lord cannot lead them, or teach them, or use them to His glory, for they are wise in their own conceits, and vainly imagine that the Lord cannot do without them. Self must be buried."

"Praise of men, and flattery, makes ministers hungry for more, until they think ... that the praise of man is of more value than the approval of God."—Quotes by Ellen G. White, Letter 16f, 1892

I don't in any way suggest that we should abandon our churches, but we must be very very very very serious about seeking personal revival and be part of the solution of raising the standard and  the level of piety. I'm in. Are you?

Find and read the letter for yourself, pray and join with those who are seeking a revival of true godliness!