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Christmas, Thanksgiving And Other Holidays



Celebrating Christmas

On this page you will find links to articles and a page of quotes on celebrating Christmas. You will learn about celebrating on December 25, making Christmas a blessing, appropriate gifts and the use of Christmas trees.


Thanksgiving Day

Ellen White wrote comparatively little on Thanksgiving Day—two articles appeared in the Review and Herald, one in the Pacific Union Recorder, and a few manuscripts—but what she wrote is clear and instructive about how the day should be observed. Thanksgiving was to be a day of gratitude to God and making a helpful difference to others. She was concerned that Thanksgiving Day be not a day of self-centered gluttony. On the Thanksgiving Day page, you will find some of the key paragraphs and one of the articles.


New Year's Day

Here you will find some comments on a New Year's Celebration that Ellen white heartily approved of.