Written Resources On The Holy Spirit

The following written resources are from a variety of authors and are wonderful.


Ellen White

The Holy Spirit A Real Person

This is a key document on Ellen White's understanding of the Holy Spirit. Written to caution against writing or preaching about spiritualism, the final two paragraphs describe the Holy Spirit as a person in a manner that is unmistakeable. In a handwritten note at the top, Ellen White states, "I have read this carefully and accept it." Accordingly, this is one of the strongest statements on the person of the Holy Spirit found in her writings. There are also other key statements in her writings, but any understanding of the Holy Spirit must reference this document.

Ask And Receive The Holy Spirit

This is a wonderful—amazing—article on asking for the Holy Spirit. You must read this!

Holy Spirit Promised

Here is a wonderful instructive article on the Holy Spirit's key role in making real on a practical basis what Christ won on the cross.

Holy Spirit: The Believer's Source of Power

This wonderful article speaks of the blessings that come when we seek after the Holy Spirit. Not doing so brings sad results, as written: "The promise of the gift of the Spirit of God is left as a matter to be little considered by the church. It is not impressed upon the people, and the result is only that which might be expected,—spiritual drought, spiritual darkness, spiritual declension and death. Minor matters occupy the mind and soul, but divine power which is necessary for the growth and prosperity of the church, which would if possessed, bring all other blessings in its train, is lacking, although it is offered to us in infinite plenitude. Just as long as the church is satisfied with small things, it is disqualified to receive the great things of God. {HM November 1, 1893, Art. A, par. 25} (Read all of the article that speaks of the Holy Spirit as the believer's source of power.)

Precious Thoughts on Pentecost

"Tell them of the great and measureless gift of the Holy Spirit. In it is contained all of heaven’s resources. It is not because of any restriction and narrow calculation on the part of God that the riches of His grace do not flow earthward to men. If all were willing to receive, all would become filled with His Spirit. God gave with a liberality that men do not appreciate, because they do not love to receive. Tell them how Godlike is His gift. Had men been consulted in regard to their choice of the gift to be bestowed, they would have asked for some inferior good. But the Lord Jesus took this matter into His own hands, and poured out His Spirit—a blessing, which if received, will satisfy every want."

Power From On High

"When the church shall come out from the world, and be separate from its maxims, habits, and practices, the Lord Jesus will work with his people; he will pour a large measure of his Spirit upon them, and the world will know that the Father loves them."

Pray For The Latter Rain

This is a wonderful reading on receiving the latter rain. Take the time to read it and be informed on the subject.


Meade MacGuire

Pray For The Latter Rain

This first appeared as a series of articles in the Review and Herald in 1943.

Latter Rain #1

Latter Rain #2

Latter Rain #3

Latter Rain #4

Latter Rain #5

Latter Rain #6

Latter Rain #7

Latter Rain #8

Latter Rain #9

Latter Rain #10

Latter Rain #11


Louis Dickson

Power for the Most Important Hour

This article was taken from a speech published in the Australasian Record, January 24 and 31, 1955


W. W. Prescott

The Promise of the Spirit

This wonderful ten-part series was given at the General Conference of 1893. This will take time to read, but it is well worth while. Prescott was the President of Battle Creek College at the time.