
Discipleheart Home Page

Discipleheart is an easy-to-read and navigate topical gathering of more than 800 pages of select resources on practically following Christ, based on the Bible, the writings of Mrs. E. G. White and other Seventh-day Adventist authors. Many topics are amplified, and answers are given for common questions. Topics include revival, overcoming, prayer, the Holy Spirit, raising godly children, etc. If English is not your first language, this site will bring you resources you would never find on your own! Unless indicated otherwise, quotations come from the writings of Ellen White. ALWAYS SCROLL DOWN PAST THE LONG DIRECTORY ON EACH PAGE TO FIND THE NEW CONTENT!

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Learn about upcoming appointments, studies that are ongoing, new study resources developed, dialog with us, via our newsletter! You choose whether you receive it daily, weekly or once per month.


The funds given by grateful visitors to this site and attendees of our seminars help us with paying the expenses related to this ministry: the website and our newsletter, travel expenses to other parts of the world when they are not reimbursed by those inviting—one trip cost $5,000 for the plane tickets, replacing computers and other equipment, etc., and sparing our time so that we can devote ourselves to the serious research that is the hallmark of this website which has more than 890 pages.

Discipleheart Calendar

Find upcoming and information about past appointments

Next Speaking Appointments

October 5, 2024: Smoky Lake SDA Church, Alberta, (Canada) 1.5 hours northwest of Edmonton. - Three Sessions on Unity

October 8, 2024: Rembey SDA Church, Remby, Alberta, Canada - One session on unity.

October 9, 2024: Ponoka SDA Church, Alberta, Canada - Sessions on Unity and Godhead.

November 9-16, 2024: Lafayette SDA Church, Lafayette, LA (USA) We will be studying and praying for unity.

Current Study Focus

I am currently studying the topics of health reform—continuation of study initiated by my time at the Thompsonville SDA Church at 3ABN, and raising children God's way. Also Ellen White's Approach To Discipline. I did a massive amount of study on the sanctuary in preparing for teaching for two weeks in Bolivia at the Foundation Orion, for which I am preparing written resources to share. I learned much and will post more as soon as I am able. In preparing for Michigan Camp Meeting, I dud a lot of study regarding unity, which continues. If you click on this link, it will take you to the unity section where resources will be added. I am also working on the compilation of the Godhead on behalf of the White Estate.

Resources and Handouts Of Recent Seminars, and new Study Guides.

Unity Seminar: Smoky Lake, Alberta, Canada

I used the same booklets as used at Michigan Camp Meeting but the third session was based on new material which I will be posting on the page relating to this seminar. Find more materials on Christian unity at the Unity Home Page at Discipleheart.com

Unity Seminar: Ionia & Belgreen, Michigan July 20, 2024

This was an abbreviated two-session seminar. I used the same booklets that were used in the Michigan Camp Meeting Unity Seminar. I have been asked to prepare something on reconciliation, which I am working on, for another session at the Ionia and Belgreen Churches.

Unity Seminar: Michigan Camp Meeting, Cedarlake, Michigan, June 14-22

In this practical, Christ-centered seminar, we will consider Christ’s prayer for unity in John 17 and the necessity of unity for thriving spirituality and thriving churches, including what it means to be united in Christ and the many unity parallels found in the human body, Christ’s plan for unity in the diversity that makes up the church, the challenges of attaining unity in relating to each other while maintaining our individuality, the importance of confession and forgiveness in overcoming the wounds of the past, and considering ways to promote and safeguard unity going forward. Find information and documents related to this seminar by clicking on the link.

Teaching (Victory & More Abundant life; Sanctuary): Bolivia, May 2024.

I will be teaching at a Bible School for two weeks. This will be the first time to Bolivia and I solicit your prayers in terms of materials, travel and staying healthy since Dengue and Yellow Fever are in Bolivia, though the latter is increasingly rare. Shortly after returning I go to Michigan for the sessions there.

Advent Hope Sabbath School, Loma Linda, CA February 23,24, 2024

In this series of three meetings, Rose things that we have learned regarding attaining a happy marriage. One of the presentations is also given on how to know God's will.

Godhead Interview - 3ABN, March 4, 2024

Here is the link for the 3ABN interview on the Godhead. Here is the link to the study guide: Study Guide Godhead Interview 3ABN

Study Guide Godhead Interview 3ABN

Here you will find the links for the five Bible studies discussed in the course of the interview at 3ABN.

“The Will” And God’s Way To Victory - Thompsonville (IL) SDA Church On Overcoming Appetite. - January 20, 2024

This was somewhat of a new topic for me, but God greatly blessed my study and I learned much, and I think the church was blessed as well. clicking the link will take you to the presentations as well as the documents and resources I was studying in preparing.

The Transformed Life Series

This is a six part video interview with Tim Rumsey of Pathway to Paradise Ministries, MO. The comments made on the YouTube channel suggest it is a extremely helpful discussion on victory.

Prayer & Bread Seminar

Clicking on this link will take you to my presentations and the bread demonstrations in the healthy living section of this website. Click on any of the bread recipes and you will come to one of the presentations.

Resources On Prayer And Fasting

Here is the link to the section of the website that has materials on prayer and fasting, including the five handouts that were prepared originally for the GYC convention in Phoenix, AZ.

An Instructive Testimony on God's Guidance

In February of 2023 I was invited to share a special testimony on how God carefully guided me in relocating from Pennsylvania to Michigan. You learn much about Guidance in this testimony given at the Brighton SDA Church. Different formats of the booklet are immediately below. Learn more about guidance at this link.

Booklet: Guidance And God's Will In Prayer: 

Guidance God's Will 8x11    

Guidance God's Will A5    

Guidance God's Will A4    

Guidance God's Will Booklet


Newest and Updated Pages

SDA Web Resources

The Seventh-day Adventist Church members have a wealth of resources available to them that are free in most cases. Find many of them on this page.

Godhead - The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit

The Godhead is an exceedingly clear subject in the Bible. The Father is clearly portrayed from Genesis to Revelation. Christ is "that Holy One" in whom was manifested all the fulness of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit, sent as the successor of Christ, is a real person who plays a key role in the present dispensation that is named after Him. Learn more about the amazing oneness between these Three Heavenly Dignitaries. The four-part series of Bible Studies is excellent in every way and provides compelling evidence for the Three that make up the Godhead.

Written Sermons On Righteousness By Faith

Find written sermons on righteousness by faith, by people like Mrs. White, Carlyle B. Haynes, A. G. Daniells, Meade MacGuire and W. W. Prescott. These readings are carefully selected and are life-changing!

Mostly Plant-Based Recipes

Many are seeking to adopt a more healthful diet. Tasty, easy-to-prepare, healthful recipes are accordingly shared to help readers in that quest.

Seventh-day Adventist Musicians and Music

On this page you will find links to Seventh-day Adventist musicians, their music, their websites and YouTube channels. I continue to add links as I learn about people.


Other Key Discipleheart Pages


Here you will links to children's resources, many of which can be downloaded at no cost. 

Audio Recordings Of Ellen White Articles On Raising Children

Ellen White wrote many articles, manuscripts and letters on raising children, to say nothing of spoke many times on the subject, particularly in the latter part of her ministry when God instructed her to help parents correct the way they were raising their children. I have found more than 200 such documents. We will endeavor to record and share some of them.

Links To Thousands Of SDA Web Resources To Download For Free

Find links to thousands of internet-based resources, including free issues of church publications you can download, hundreds of books, numerous Bible Studies, links to ministries, resources for children, etc. Find it all on this page.

Downloadable Study Guides, Booklets And Other Free Resources

On this page you will find more than thirty downloadable study guides on various practical topics. All of these study guides look at the Scriptures and the writings of Ellen White in considering the topic at hand. They also have line numbers to facilitate discussion. There are also links to the main pages on these topics that are found elsewhere on discipleheart.com. 

Learn How To Research The Writings Of Ellen White

Because Ellen White used an extensive vocabulary of an earlier era in her writings, it is very challenging to exhaustively study what she wrote on various subjects. In this section of discipleheart.com, you will learn how to discover the obtuse words she used of the past, search for and discover quotations and even locate key articles. You will have the keys to crack the "code" of her writings and enjoy better results in your research.

Title Abbreviations of Ellen White's Books

Should you not recognize the abbreviation of a book title of one of Ellen White's books, you can find it here.


Featured Page: Some Questions On Righteousness By Faith Answered

Some Questions On Righteousness By Faith Answered.

The questions are listed below. Click the links to find the answers. This is some of the most important information on this website.

What Is Righteousness By Faith 

What Did Christ Mean When He Said We Were To Eat His Flesh And Drink His Blood?

What Did Jesus Mean When He Said He Came To Fulfill The Law?

What Is The Difference Between The New Covenant And The Old Covenant?

What Is The "Will"?

What Does It Mean To Die To Self?

Are Feelings Good Indicators Of How We Are Doing?

Is Baptism Necessary?

What Blessings Come With Baptism?

Is Rebaptism Ever Necessary?

What Does It Mean To Be Partakers Of The Divine Nature?

What Does It Mean To Grasp Or Lay Hold Of The Divine Nature?

What Does It Mean To Be Kept By The Power Of God

What Is The Principle Of The Law Of Association

What Is The Cross Of Luke 9:23

How Soon Does Christ Pardon Us When We Come To Him?

How Soon Does Christ Forgive And Cleanse Us Of Sin After We Seek His Cleansing?

How Should We Respond To Satan's Accusations Of Our Sinfulness?

How Do We Defeat Satan?

What Is Conversion?

What did Christ mean when He said we must become as little children?

When The Devil Tempts Us, Are We Automatically Guilty Of Sin?

What Is Saving Faith?

What Is The Faith That Overcomes The World?

What Does "For Me To Live Is Christ" Mean?

What Does It Mean To Be Forgiven By God?


Latest, Newest & Featured Pages

Directory Of Discipleheart

Featured Pages

Downloadable Study Guides, Booklets And Other Free Resources

Discipleheart Sitemap

There are more than 700 pages on this site. You can see all of the pages by clicking on this link.


Directory of Discipleheart






Additional Featured Pages

God The Father - The Eternal Father

The Father is the first of the three Persons of the Godhead. On this page you can learn more about our eternal, self-existent, Heavenly Father.

The Eternal Pre-existent Divine Saviour

On this page you will find a detailed list of Bible verses and Quotations that clearly identify Christ as the Eternal Pre-Existent, Self-Existent, Second Person of the Godhead.

The Holy Spirit And The Godhead

On this page you will find Bible verses tied to quotations that speak of the Holy Spirit's role as the third member of the Godhead.

Meetings For Confession

Public confession of sin is often necessary to clear the rubbish from one's life. This page gives Bible references and other helpful information on meetings where pubic confession of shortcomings takes place.


Light Unshackled

(YouTube Video on the Reformation)



This is a wonderful documentary on the reformation by the same people who host my website. Rose and I attended one of the first showings and were very blessed. I believe you will also be blessed.

Descent Into Darkness (1 of 4)

Lighting A Flame (2 of 4)

Fanning The Blaze (3 of 4)

Passing The Torch (4 of 4)
